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How to throw a gender reveal that doesn’t end in disaster  

By August 3, 2021September 2nd, 2021General Info
gender reveal ideas

A gender reveal is a monumental day for any family. Planning the day is exciting in itself. Now, how do you plan something that is memorable but still fun? Here’s a list of fun gender reveal ideas that will be burned into your memory and not burn anything else. Here’s How to throw a gender reveal that doesn’t end in disaster


How to throw a gender reveal that doesn’t end in disaster


For the golf fans out there, this one is a favorite. A golf ball filled with colored powder indicating what gender. This is a fun one for everyone involved. The parent gets to swing their favorite golf club, and everyone else gets to see them get covered in the powder. 


Confetti cannons 

These are always a fun one if they work properly. I think we’ve all seen the videos of them going wrong. My best recommendation for when a cannon doesn’t work, don’t point it at anyone expecting it not to work. “Pow, right in the kisser!” 


Balloon bag 

These may not get an explosive reaction, but they’re fun, inexpensive, and effective. All without the risk of anything going south. 



Pinatas can be both fun and entertaining for everyone at a gender reveal. It’s your day, so you get to choose whether or not you use the blindfold.


Silly String

You bay think this is a bit silly, and you’re right. Silly string is a fun option for adults and kids alike, but keep in mind it does require some clean up afterwards. 


Confetti Balloon

A classic option for most gender reveals is a balloon filled with confetti or colored powder. Be careful who fills the balloon though, too much can go wrong quickly. 


Gender Reveal Ideas Conclusion

You may have noticed, none of our recommendations involved fire, fireworks, explosives, or anything similar. We know you want your big day to be memorable. But remember that no matter how you do your reveal, it will be memorable for everyone, even without fire involved.  




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